HCSoft Programación, S.L. HCSoft Programación, S.L. will always manage your information responsibly, with the only purpose of providing the services requested. We only store the minimum possible amount of information.
Your personal data will be kept for as long as you have a business relationship with us or until any legal obligations and responsibilities derived from it have been met. These data will not be shared with third parties unless legal obligation exists.
You have the right to check whether HCSoft Programación S.L. is processing your personal data. Moreover, you can exercise your rights to access, correct, transfer and delete (right to be forgotten) by addressing HCSoft Programación S.L. at CL Párroco José María Belando, Nº 8, 2º A, CP 30007, Murcia; or via email at protecciondedatos@hcsoft.net, attaching a copy of photo ID or equivalent. Additionally, and especially if you consider your data protection rights have not been fully respected, you can submit a complaint directly to your national data protection authority (in Spain: Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, C/ Jorge Juan, 6, CP 28001, Madrid).
Information about the data controller:
Id: HCSoft Programación, S.L. – Tax ID: B30592687
Postal address: Párroco José María Belando Street, No 8, 2A. 30007 Murcia
Phone: +34 968 23 30 39 – Email: oficina@hcsoft.net