Planning and management systems

developing ideas, creating solutions


More than 20 years of experience developing software. We specialize in enterprise resource planning (ERP) and management systems (EMS).

We are passionate about our work and firmly believe in what we do. We are convinced every company can improve their internal management, business potential, and client relationships with the right information management system (IMS).

With you every step of the way

With you every step of the way

A project does not end once the product has been delivered. Solutions must go beyond fulfilling business needs – we will help your company adapt to the ever-changing conditions and demands of today’s market.

Closeness and professionalism

Closeness and professionalism

We get involved personally in every new project offering individualised advice and assistance, continuous training and the full support and expertise of our multidisciplinary team.

Get full technical and administrative control

A comprehensive management system for laboratories involved in construction quality control and material testing (LIMS).

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contact us!

Do you have any questions? Can we advise or help you in any way? Do not hesitate to contact us. We will be pleased to help you.

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